Feel Better More Of The Time

Mindfulness training and counselling for being more at your best - whatever is going on.

Welcome to Inner Lantern

Welcome to
Inner Lantern

Hi, I'm Brendan.
You know the relief when you solve a problem? Life suddenly becomes better. More manageable. More enjoyable.
This is the purpose of mindfulness training.
As a mindfulness teacher and counsellor, I share programs for people seeking this delicious peace in their lives. At work. At home. On good days and bland.
I've studied mindfulness around the world for more than 20 years. With a corporate background and Ph.D in Science, I'm fascinated how this timeless wisdom speaks perfectly to modern Western life.
You'll find I also love stories, questions and lively discussions. I would love to share them with you.

Each lesson provided me with valuable insights, a 'tool kit' as such, of how to live a more fulfilled life. ...as a working Mum that is constantly feeling rushed and with little time to myself, this has been the best thing I have done for my personal growth and well being in a long time!

Sarah, 35
Marketing Manager
Sydney, Australia

The class was fantastic, we learnt so many techniques to control how we felt and respond to stressful situations. I found that by applying what I learned to my daily drive to work I was arriving more relaxed and with more energy.

Nick, 47
Product Manager
Sydney, Australia

I went into [this course] thinking I would just improve my meditation techniques but... came out being able to deal with situations in a better way... I feel more level headed to deal with stresses of work and daily life. Definitely an eye opener.

Tessa Couch, 25
Sydney, Australia

I absolutely love this course, so much so that this is the second time that I have attended it! It's been extremely valuable in both my professional and personal life and has provided me with practical ways to react and deal with daily situations.

Sydney, Australia

Great course and I hope there's another one to come coz I will definitely sign up.

Sydney, Australia

I just wanted to thank you again for the last couple of Mindfulness and Meditation courses ...I can say hand on heart that it has changed my life and the way I not only want to live it but how I want to be present in it.

Sydney, Australia

Little by little, the message of Mindfulness has planted into my mind and I have experienced change in myself ...not only benefit to myself, but to the people involved. It is amazing to see how little we have to change the way we react to have a so much better outcome.

Sydney, Australia

I do feel I'm a better friend to myself because I'm more gentle and self-loving.

Judi Huck
Las Vegas, USA

I have already been espousing the virtues to my wife Rosa who has Parkinson's Disease - we are looking into attending a course together to see if it can mitigate her symptoms. On a personal front - while I understand that this is only the beginning of the journey, I can see this as being the way forward to a happier, healthier and longer life. Brendan, muchisimas gracias mi amigo querido.

Michael Bousfield, 55
Multimedia developer, Part-time blues harp player
Sydney, Australia

I'm still on a process of finding my own peace, but mindfulness was certainly the one which helped me to get through the tough time. Thank you Brendan.

Kyoto, Japan

Thanks Brendan for a great first session. In the midst of one of my current mood swings, this morning I wasn't sure that I was up to joining tonight's session, but pleased I did as it was a very beneficial first step into the world of mindfulness.

Melbourne, Australia

...and importantly, I'm coping much better. Been more positive about the future outlook and ongoing recovery. Must be the result of some mindfulness course I recently took!

Melbourne, Australia

I was at __ on Sunday night and some of the students who did the mindfulness course last year were talking about it, it's great to hear that it is still making on impact on people!

Melbourne, Australia

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